Born on 31.03.1962, married, 3 children
Obtained “Matura” [school leaving certificate] from the college in Brig (in Economics)
Studied law at the University of Freiburg
1990 internship at a major insurance company in the Liability Law Department
Gained Lawyer's Certificate in 1991, Notary's Certificate in 1992
1993 Doctorate to become Dr. iur. at the University of Freiburg
1992–1993 Clerk of the court at the Brig District Court and at the Cantonal Court of Valais
Been practising as a lawyer and notary since 1993
Additional job-related activities: 6 years as Chairman of the Cantonal Data Protection Board,
6 years on the Board of the Bar Association, including 2 years as President of the Bar,
2005 Training to become a Swiss Bar Association (SAV) mediator
Languages: German, French and English
Memberships/admissions: Cantonal Bar Association, Swiss Bar Association, Notaries Association,
registered in the Lawyers Register of the Canton of Valais and admitted as a certified lawyer throughout
Switzerland before all courts and all authorities